Thursday, April 10, 2008

The ONE day cold

What is the anatomy of a cold? We all know the signs and symptoms which usually occur in the following order : 1) dry scatchy throat 2) Running nose with the sneezing 3) The cough 4) and then the congestion and the chest pressure and even the wheezing 5) and if it gets bad, and attacks for longer than a week ......"Bronchitis". All of this is no fun and can be elimated to the first two signs if we act fast. The cold can actually be reduced to one day if we act fast and at the first sign of the itchy throat!!!!!!! How ??????? First is the Vit. C. Take up to 4000 mg and really give your immune system a boost. SECOND) Gargle with salt water every one - two hours. Third) Oil- I recommend the orgeno oil or tee tree oil. These are both antiviral and swallowing just a couple of drops 3-4 X that first day will kill and attack the virus. FOURTH) I really like Colloidal Silver Spray - this is also a natural antibiotic and will help kill those nasty little bugs!!!!!!!! These FOUR steps should really help you reduce the time of the colds/flu/viruses that bring us down from time to time................Good Luck... and remember ATTACK the virus.

3) Oregano oil
4) Silver Spray

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