Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bye Bye Prilosec

Would you like some acid reflux with that meal sir? Stomach acid or heart burn is not a problem with too much acid!!! The issue is a mal -(BAD) position of the stomach itself popping into the wrong space. Which space??????? The space right next to the heart------image that "heart burn"... should be called heart pressure!!! What happens is when we overeat the stomach has no place else to go but up and it slips past the diaphram muscle creating a hiatal hernia. This causes the stomach acid to come right on up because the diapham "door" or spincter cannot close any more. Thus the result : ACID REFLUX ! So its not an acid problem , it's a mechanical problem-- things in the wrong place.

The solution: EAT smaller meals and have the distraction manuever done on the OUT of POSITION stomach. Most chiropractors will be able to assist you with this concern. Mention Hiatal Hernia and reflux and they will know how to help.

Many patients find it much easier to breath afterward and you might even be able to save some money on all that ACID REFLUX medicine in the future -- by not needing It!!!!

PS: reseach has shown that people with HH(hiatal hernia) have an increase chance for heart disease!!!!! That is the last thing we need to increase the chance of the #1 killer getting to us sooner than we expect......Take care of that stomach problem now!!!! Now you know...........

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