Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bye Bye Prilosec

Would you like some acid reflux with that meal sir? Stomach acid or heart burn is not a problem with too much acid!!! The issue is a mal -(BAD) position of the stomach itself popping into the wrong space. Which space??????? The space right next to the heart------image that "heart burn"... should be called heart pressure!!! What happens is when we overeat the stomach has no place else to go but up and it slips past the diaphram muscle creating a hiatal hernia. This causes the stomach acid to come right on up because the diapham "door" or spincter cannot close any more. Thus the result : ACID REFLUX ! So its not an acid problem , it's a mechanical problem-- things in the wrong place.

The solution: EAT smaller meals and have the distraction manuever done on the OUT of POSITION stomach. Most chiropractors will be able to assist you with this concern. Mention Hiatal Hernia and reflux and they will know how to help.

Many patients find it much easier to breath afterward and you might even be able to save some money on all that ACID REFLUX medicine in the future -- by not needing It!!!!

PS: reseach has shown that people with HH(hiatal hernia) have an increase chance for heart disease!!!!! That is the last thing we need to increase the chance of the #1 killer getting to us sooner than we expect......Take care of that stomach problem now!!!! Now you know...........

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Searching for FAST energy

Just a quick post about a book that i highly recommend

Dr. Wayne Dyer - - The power of INTENTION

The energy in life is divided into 5 catagories of speed

1) Physical Energy - slowest
2) Sound Energy
3) Light Energy
4) Thought Energy
5) Spiritual Energy - fastest

Inspiration and guidance and be found in each of the energy levels.
Dr Dyer recommends tapping into the #4 and # 5 faster energy levels
through meditation,, specifically the Japa type.

By tapping into the source of intention he says that we live with a
higher sense of purpose and thus create more peace,
wellness, and meaning in our lives.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Breakfast Drink

A while ago I mentioned that I would tell you about the breakfast drink. Well today is the day. The breakfast drink is a way of increasing all of the alkaline foods into your body without sacraficing what you like to eat. I guess you could say it is a diet because it will definately helps you shed those pounds. But my intention here is to give you something that will decrease pain and disease in your body in the long run. The basis of the formula comes from dr. morter and you are welcome to read up on the benefits of the alkaline diet in his great book " an apple a day". The idea is that our diets are composed of 90% acidic foods and very little alkaline foods , thus we create a body and blood that is overly ACIDIC which is harmful in many ways. All meat , cheese, caffeine, sugar, wheat, fats, etc are all ACIDIC. All of the fruits and vegetables are generally ALKALINE and balance the pH in the blood. But GUESS what,,,, we never eat enough of the GOOD stuff.......thus the acid overload.

The Remedy is the BREAKFAST drink. You simply need a blender and the following(customize to your liking):

Juice Base 100% juice carrot or berry blends work great
baby spinach
roma tomatoes
touch of lemon /lime juice
sprinkling of nuts
prune juice ( a bit)
stawberries or blueberries
Ice if you want it cold
wheat germ(if not allergic to it)
peaches or nectarines

And blend it all up nice and smooth (smoothie if you like)
This one meal a day will serve to be your alkaline power booster which will get you feeling WONDERFUL and help
with many of those aches and pains (pangs) that have been bothering......

It looks like something that just came out of the stomach,,, but it really tastes great and fills you up.
Drink it down and enjoy.... I guarantee you will feel very hungry by lunch.... This means your system is ready to fully
digest what you eat for lunch!!!!!!!!!! And you should notice the food for lunch will taste great too.. And what you eat
for lunch is up to you... with the higher understanding that the you must balance the pH in your foods.....
I believe the BREAKFAST DRINK is a great way to accomplish our universal goals of health and happiness.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The ONE day cold

What is the anatomy of a cold? We all know the signs and symptoms which usually occur in the following order : 1) dry scatchy throat 2) Running nose with the sneezing 3) The cough 4) and then the congestion and the chest pressure and even the wheezing 5) and if it gets bad, and attacks for longer than a week ......"Bronchitis". All of this is no fun and can be elimated to the first two signs if we act fast. The cold can actually be reduced to one day if we act fast and at the first sign of the itchy throat!!!!!!! How ??????? First is the Vit. C. Take up to 4000 mg and really give your immune system a boost. SECOND) Gargle with salt water every one - two hours. Third) Oil- I recommend the orgeno oil or tee tree oil. These are both antiviral and swallowing just a couple of drops 3-4 X that first day will kill and attack the virus. FOURTH) I really like Colloidal Silver Spray - this is also a natural antibiotic and will help kill those nasty little bugs!!!!!!!! These FOUR steps should really help you reduce the time of the colds/flu/viruses that bring us down from time to time................Good Luck... and remember ATTACK the virus.

3) Oregano oil
4) Silver Spray

Friday, April 4, 2008


80% of people never change........ How do we create consistent change in our lives? It is very difficult but do-able. The key is to be inspired. This main theme can be found in an audioCD called Change or Die. I highly recommend it for those of you looking to achieve something greater in your lives.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Body Powersource ( KIDNEYS )

The kidneys are the body's supreme powersource. I recently attended a anti-aging convention in which doctors were speaking about how the body and kidneys are being overwhelmed by toxins. What are the toxins(poisons) that we are consuming to cause kidney (renal failure - you might have heard of) to blow out????????? Do you drink coffee? what is in coffee? Caffeine is the major culprit!!!!!!!!! When added with sugar ( high fructose corn syrup) becomes more addictive than heroin..........!!!!!!!!!! Wow..... Now what does caffeine then do the kidneys??? It squeezes them like a wet sponge and all the water in our bodies which we need to live come flushing out. How many times after you drink a Dr. Pepper do you then go and drink a bottle of water to replace the water that just got flushed out???? There are books written about how many thousand of diseases are caused by dehydration. What can we do different? How can we change these addictive ways?
First is to inspire change. I hope these words can help u see the dangers of caffeine and cause u to cut down if not eliminate it from your diet..... The kidneys are overwelmed, overworked and are causing fatigue and organ malfunction at an alarming rate. I recommend the "Breakfast Drink" - I will make this another topic for the blog later.... A great way to get Kidney cleasing and weight loss all from changing ONE meal of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!