Wednesday, May 28, 2008

You still have ALLERGIES?

Get rid of those allergies now.......Heres how::::::::
1) NO carpet,, get rid of it.. hardwood or tile or laminate
2) At home and work-- Have a air purifier running 24/7
3) Cut out as much of the sugar and caffeine in the diet
4) Take This product-- I stumbled upon it by accident>>>>>>

SUPER ALBUMIN made by Vital. It is usually sold at Korean/chinese supermarkets or you can look it up on the internet. It contains albumin, royal jelly, bee pollen, bee propolis. All of which help to decrease the histamine reaction in the body that causes allergies...>> u know all of the sneezing/itchy eyes/runny nose symptoms we all hate!!!! Try this it will really help. It has helped me reduce my allergies from a scale of 8/10 severity down to a 1/10. I am serious and I have had serious allergies in the past. But not now after doing these 4 steps. I do not sell this on my website. This is purly a bonus to all of you TO GET RID OF YOUR ALLERGIES NOW!!!!!!

P/S : take 2 per day 1 morning 1 night
I also found it helps you sleep better too!!!!!!
Now you can through away all of that lunarest, sombien, etc....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


A Harvard University study found that Americans spent $27 billion on alternative treatments and made more than 600 million visits to complementary health practitioners (compared to 368 million visits to their primary care physicians) - an increase of almost 50 percent since 1990. Many individuals visiting these complementary health practitioners were looking for holistic healing modalities that take comprehensive treat the entire human system, not just the physical body.

Holistic healing also targets subtle bodies and the life force of chi. There are numerous holistic healing modalities. Some use substances in their therapies, and others work on different parts of the body to promote healing and well-being. These modalities include: Acupuncture, Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Qigong, Chiropractic, Chromotherapy, Crystal/Gemstone therapy, Flower remedies, Herabalism, Homeopathy, Hypnotherapy, Massage, Osteopathy, Reflexology, Reiki, Sound Healing, Visualization and Yoga.

A few of the most common and accepted holistic practices in the West today are Acupuncture, Chiropractic, and Yoga. Chiropractic involves manually adjusting the spine - and in some cases other parts of the skeletal system, to alleviate pain.

Acupuncture uses fine needles to activate and balance Chi. A practitioner inserts needles at certain points along the body's meridians to remove blockages and restore the flow of energy through the body.

Yoga combines physical movement and deep, rhythmic breathing to produce overall health. The most popular form of Yoga in the United States is "Hatha" which involves holding various postures or asanas to strengthen the body, increase balance and improve flexibility.

(Summarized from THE CARE AND FEEDING OF YOUR CHI, 2004, pp48-63)